< , B-type internal gear pump
, adopts the principle of internal gear meshing. The pitch circles of the internal and external gears are close to one side, and the other side is separated by the crescent plate on the pump cover. The driving internal teeth on the main shaft drive the external and internal gears in the same direction. When rotating, the gear teeth separate from each other at the inlet to form a negative pressure to suck in the liquid. The gear teeth are continuously engaged and engaged at the outlet to squeeze the liquid out. Due to this unique structure, it is especially suitable for transporting media with high viscosity. The viscosity range is 0. This series of pumps can be transported in reverse direction. Just change the direction of the motor. The pump body can be turned, and the inlet and outlet are at right angles, making it easy to choose. Inlet and outlet positions
The gear pump has convenient inlet and outlet interfaces for insulation or cooling media between the pump body, end cover and bearing seat.
NCB type internal gear pump,NCB gear pump